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Training for Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound in a Pandemic

Thank you for volunteering to take on this ministry in these precarious times. Your generosity allows our homebound parishioners to receive the most precious visitor to their homes, Jesus Himself!

In the sacristy on the counter, you will find a paper titled “Catholic Community of Meadville Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound.” Please take time to look this over and fill out the self-diagnosis before leaving. There will be a thermometer on the counter by the papers as well. Two other papers are there also, one is a reminder of the protocols for Communion to the homes, and another half page on the Short Rite of Communion. Take those with you to keep.

Before you go to each house, please call the person and ask them the same questions, which are found on the back of the paper. If they haven’t experienced any symptoms and are okay with a visit that day, then proceed to their house. Always sanitize your hands before and after leaving a house. Please remember to keep your visits short, as prolonged visits heighten the risk of transmission.


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