Grades: Kinder - 12th
Class Time: Sunday's at
10:15 - 11:30 am
Please consider volunteering for our programs! We are always in need of more volunteers! Help us excel at forming our Youth!
For any questions please contact us at:
Where: Mary of Grace Social Hall
1085 Water St, Meadville
Open Gym: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Offered after every Faith Formation class.

Sacrament Sign-Ups
Below you will be able to sign up your kids for our different sacramental opportunities. Please be aware that all kids must be part of our sacramental preparation program the year they receive it whether or not the go to catholic school. Furthermore, does who do not go to a catholic school must be in our Faith Formation programs for 2 year prior to the sacramental year.

Interested Altar Servers
All children who have received their 1st Communion are invited to participate in the Mass in a special way through Altar Serving! Come put on an alb and a cincture and serve the church in a unique and meaningful way!
Altar server practices done after 1st Communion in May. If Training is required during another time, please reach out to Sergio through the email on the Faith Formation section.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
In order to help with the practice of the faith at home, families will also be given access to the monthly OSV Kids! magazine. For more information on this program, please look through their website!
This program aims to help children hear and respond to our Sunday readings in an age-appropriate manner. It will only be offered during 9 am Mass on Sunday, starting on Feb. 23rd.
Kids will be called forth before the 1st Reading by the priest and depart to the Social Hall led by a catechist. Kids will come back before the liturgy of the Eucharist after the Universal Prayer.