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Organizations and Service in Our Parish

Want to volunteer? Call the parish office to find out the current contact information: 814-336-1112

The people are what makes any parish function - that means you! Getting involved helps turn a parish into a warm, welcoming community. Events are always coming up that need a variety of help. Sometimes an event may need people months in advance for planning purposes. If you see an area you'd like to explore, contact the parish office (814-336-1112).

Altar Rosary

The Altar Rosary Society's main function is taking care of and providing for the sanctuary, but also provides many other services to the parishes, as well as fellowship opportunities. It is open to all women of the parish. 


When: 3rd Thursdays at 6:30pm

Where: St. Agatha's Center.

Contact: Ros - 814-337-2806

Boy Scouts of America Troop & Pack 209

Cub Scout Pack and Scout Troop 209 have been active in the Meadville area for more than 40 years. The Scout program offers weekly meetings and monthly camping experiences for boys ages 11-18. Skills learned in these programs will benefit the youth, their families, their communities and beyond. All are welcome to come join us to learn more.

When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Where: St. Brigid's Room 5, 6, & 7

Contact: Brad - 337-2135/350-0465

Catholic Daughters of America

Catholic women (age 18 & older) of the local parishes are invited to join Catholic Daughters of the Americas.  Their motto is “unity and charity,” and they work to support each other as women of faith, and provide service to the parishes and community.  

When: 2nd Wednesdays (except January and February) at 6:30pm

Where: St. Agatha's Center

Contact: Carole - 814-516-2140

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.”

~St.  Teresa of Calcutta

Catholic Federation

The Catholic Federation is made up of members from each of the Meadville parishes. Their main apostolate is maintaining the Marian Shrine on Rt. 19 between Meadville and Saegertown and the crèche in Diamond Park. 

Contact: John - 814-333-1937

Catholics for Life & Liberty

The Epiphany of the Lord Parish is active in supporting pro-life activities locally & nationally. Watch for announcements for our annual bus trip to the March for Life in DC in January.  Other events include the Pro-Life Banquet in fall hosted by the CC Citizens for Life and Holy Hours every other month during the school year.

When: monthly, schedule varies

Where: St. Agatha Center

Contact: Barb - 814-337-7302

Drum Circle

A Drum Circle is any group of people, usually playing hand drums and percussion, in a circle. Drum Circles are a form of recreational music making. The focus is not on performance, but on personal or group development, wellness, and fun.

When: Second Monday of the month from 5:30-6:00 PM
Where: St. Brigid’s Center Classroom 5  

Contact: Stephen -


Parish environment committees include beautification work both inside and outside the churches.  The garden committee specifically works on beautifying the grounds through seasonal clean-up, and planting and caring for flowers and shrubs.  Contact the Parish Office if interested in helping.  

Contact: Jesse - 814-795-4345

Fish Dinners:  These Lenten meals of Icelandic Haddock, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce or coleslaw, bread, and a beverage are a Friday staple. Many hands make light work.

When: Fridays of Lent, except Good Friday

Where: St. Brigid's Social Hall

Contact:Jesse - 814-795-4345

Funeral Luncheons:   Volunteers help with funeral luncheons, which are offered for families & friends of parishioners after funerals.  

When: as needed

Where: 3 different teams based on familiarity with the specific kitchen. 

Contact: Audrey - 814-724-3148, Theresa - 814-724-3149, Dianna - 814-720-3714

Holy Name Society

The Holy Name Society of St. Brigid is open to all Catholic men of the parish.  It is a Christian fellowship group that provides funding and service for various parish projects. 


When:  2nd Tuesday at 7pm every 3 months (April, July, Oct, Jan)

Where: St. Brigid Center

Contact: Jerrry - 814-724-7546

Holy Cross Fraternity of the Order of Secular Franciscans

Secular Franciscans, by their Profession, pledge themselves to observe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (going from Gospel to life and life to Gospel) and to follow the example of St. Francis of Assisi who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people.


The process of becoming a Secular Franciscan is a journey that involves three separate stages - Orientation, Inquiry, and Candidacy - culminating in the Rite of Profession.  Time frame - approximately 2 years.  You are invited to “Come and See”.  We would love to meet you!


This is a county-wide fraternity that is part of a regional (, national (, and international fraternity (

For more information, contact Theresa Mummert, OFS (814-336-2465) or Kathleen Barton, OFS (814-439-2838).


When: 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Where: Our Lady Queen of the Americas, Conneaut Lake


Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee is called upon whenever there is a reception or event that serves food. There are a variety of commitments available, whether you have a flair for decorating a table, helping in the kitchen the day of an event, or simply donated baked goods or other dishes. You don't have to commit to every event; help out on an as-needed basis if that's what you are able. 

When:  As needed

Where:  One of the three churches

Contact: Dianna -814-720-3714 

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is known as the world’s foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society, and is based on the four principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Membership is open to all Catholic men over the age of 18.


When: 1st Mondays at 7:30pm

Where: St. Mary of Grace Center

Contact: Andrew -  814-724-3149

Men's Club

The Saint Agatha Men’s Club is a similar fellowship and service group that puts on activities such as donuts after the first Sunday 8am Mass, an annual Chili Cook-off in Feb, a pancake breakfast in the fall, and assists with other needs of the parish and community.  There are no dues. 

When: 2nd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

Where: St. Agatha's Center

Contact: Tom - 814-531-3537

Outreach committees

The Epiphany of the Lord Parish provides a variety of services to address the spiritual and material needs of individuals in the local community.  Examples include:

St. Nicholas Tree: At Christmas parishioners can pull envelopes off a Christmas tree and purchase gifts for those children in need. Contact: Wendi -814-573-7209 

Meadville Soup Kitchen: The Meadville Soup Kitchen is held weekdays at Stone United Methodist Church on the Diamond. We send three teams to help serve different days of the month as well as providing food and monetary donations. Contact: Bill & Betty - 814-724-2307

When: 2nd Thursday, 3rd Thursday, 3rd Friday, from 10:00am - 1:00pm

Where: Stone United Methodist Church

Pastor’s Fund / Food Pantry: A pastor’s fund helps people in need of one-time emergency assistance. Tthe parish also has an in-house food pantry supplied by the generous donations of parishioners.

Prayer Line: This is a network of volunteers who pray for special intentions of anyone requesting prayers—not limited to parishioners.  Email:


Spaghetti Dinner: The Columbus Day Spaghetti Dinner is a tasty tradition at St. Mary of Grace every October. Helping hands are always appreciated!

When: Columbus Day weekend, October

Where: St. Mary of Grace church, 1085 Water St. Meadville

Contact: Ethel - 814-382-0813



Special Collections: Collections are held for St. James Haven (men’s shelter), the women’s shelter, pregnancy center, parish food pantry, & other needs.  Look for bins in Church.

Visitation: Extraordinary Ministers visit homebound parishioners and those in hospitals and nursing homes.  St. Mary of Grace prays the rosary on the 4th Wed at 2pm at Wesbury.

When: Sunday and Monday mornings as scheduled

Where: Visit individual homes on Sundays, Wesbury on Mondays

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